24-10-2017 – Wireframes – Final : Nauris Eidulis

Since the last meeting I had been trying to work on developing the android application, but unfortunately I was unable to make much in the way of progress as none of the machines I was using had the specs to be able to handle the emulator.  As so I set aside most of the development to Ahmed who was the only person in the group able to run the emulator.

Luckily we are to recieve better virtual machines with the specs that should be able to run the emutator. Until then I began to work on the final version of the prototypes for the app. The pictures above are the mockups of the final version of the app.  They are not much different to the previous version as the first draft recieved approval from the group supervisor with a few tips on where minor changes could be made.

The first picture is the login screen. The first draft of the login screen was created by Mark O’Shea. I did not spend much time on designing the login screen as it would require the smallest amount of interaction from the user. I also felt that the first draft of the login screen was good enough and stuck with it, making only minor changes to it.

The home screen also didn’t change much from the first draft. The user would have a list of events that are relevant to them. They would be able to interact with each event via a menu in the top right corner of each event component. This menu would allow the user to select if they want to attend, bookmark or delete the event. Through the settings the user will be able to further personalise the application. The final selection in the menu is the option to contact the event management. The user may also filter events they wish to prioritise.

The event calendar has a simple design with color coded events. Below the calendar is a list containing all the events pulled from a database hosted on Azure. The user can search specific events and clicking an event will bring the user to the event page with further description and options.

The last two pictures are of the about page and contact page which may or may not be included in the final product and are mostly filler. At the moment most focus falls on the home screen and event calendar.


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